Real Time Scenorios

SOA 11g - Metadata archive (MAR) not found


Metadata Services: Metadata archive (MAR) not found.


It looks like a schema issue. Check the following causes...

Whether the RCU created the schemas successfully?

Also make sure that you are entering the data sources value properly in config wizard. ie. PREFIX_ORASDPM for UMS, PREFIX_SOAINFRA for SOA, PREFIX_MDS for OWSM & MDS.

Check the RCU logs whether there is any issue with schema creation. If so recreate the schemas.


Recreate the SOA Infra schemas using RCU once again and then restart the DB once it is done.

SOA 11g - Uninstall OracleXE

You may see problems with installing XE when you already have 10g installed on Windows. The Windows registry sometimes gets the database file locations confused. If you need to uninstall a database, you should follow the instructions.

If you need to uninstall XE, be sure to follow these instructions

1. Deinstalling the Oracle Database XE Software
To deinstall Oracle Database XE by using Add or Remove Programs:
  1. In the Windows Control Panel, select Add or Remove Programs.
  2. Select Oracle Database 10g Express Edition.
  3. Click Change/Remove.
  4. In the Oracle Database 10g Express Edition - Install Wizard, select Remove, click Next, and then click Yes in the confirmation window. When the deinstallation completes, click Finish.
To perform a silent deinstallation of Oracle Database XE:
  1. Log on to Windows with Windows administrative privileges.
  2. Go to the following Web site:
  1. Click Free Download and follow the instructions to select and download the Microsoft Windows version of Oracle Database XE.
The installation executable, OracleXE.exe, comes with a set of response files that you can use to perform silent installations, repairs (upgrades), and deinstallations.
  1. Run the OracleXE.exe executable with the OracleXERemove.iss response file.
For example, if you downloaded the OracleXE.exe executable and its response files to a directory called xe_temp, you would enter the following command to deinstall Oracle Database XE Server:
c:\xe_temp> OracleXE.exe /s /f1"c:\xe_temp\response\OracleXE-Remove.iss" /f2"c:\xe_temp\setup.log"
To deinstall Oracle Database XE Client, you would enter:
c:\xe_temp> OracleXE.exe /s /f1"c:\xe_temp\response\OracleXEClient-Remove.iss" /f2"c:\xe_temp\setup.log"
The setup.log file indicates whether the deinstallation was successful. A result code of 0 means the deinstallation succeeded.

2. Manually Removing Oracle Database XE
If the deinstallation is interrupted, follow these steps to manually remove Oracle Database XE from your computer:
  • Step 1: Stop the Oracle Database XE Services
  • Step 2: Remove the Oracle Database XE Registry Editor Settings
  • Step 3: Update the System Variable Path
  • Step 4: Remove Oracle Database XE from the Start Menu and Desktop
  • Step 5: Remove the Oracle Database XE Directories
  • Step 6: Install and Run the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility
2.1 Step 1: Stop the Oracle Database XE Services
Follow these steps:
  1. Open the Windows Services utility: From the Start menu, select All Programs, then Administrative Tools, and then Services.
  2. If any of the following Oracle services exist and have the status Started, then select each of the services, and click Stop:
    • OracleXE
    • OracleXETNSListener
    • OracleJobSchedulerXE
    • OracleXEClrAgent
    • OracleMTSRecoveryService
  3. Exit Services.
See also the Microsoft online help for more information on stopping services.
2.2 Step 2: Remove the Oracle Database XE Registry Editor Settings
Follow these steps:
  1. Log on to Windows with Windows administrative privileges.
  2. Ensure that you followed the instructions under "Step 1: Stop the Oracle Database XE Services" to stop the Oracle Database XE services.
  3. Start the Registry Editor at a command prompt:
  4. SYSTEM_DRIVE:\> regedit
  6. Delete the following keys:
  7. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software.
  8. Under Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MenuOrder\Start Menu\Programs, delete the Oracle Database 10g Express Edition key.
  9. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE and search for the ORACLE group key.
  10. Expand the ORACLE group key and then delete the KEY_XE and OracleMTSRecoveryService keys.
  12. Expand the ODBCINST.INI key and remove the Oracle in XE key.
  13. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services.
  14. Delete the following keys:
    • OracleServiceXE
    • OracleXEClrAgent
    • OracleXETNSListener
  15. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application.
  16. Delete the Oracle.xe key.
  17. Exit the Registry Editor.
  18. Restart your computer.

You can receive the following error message because of slow connections to the database.
Exception [TOPLINK-4002] (Oracle TopLink - 11g Release 1 ( (Build
090304)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.DatabaseException
Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLException: Internal error: Cannot obtain
XAConnection weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourceDeadException: Pool
SOADataSource has been disabled because of hanging connection tests, cannot
allocate resources to applications.

If this occurs, perform the following steps:
  1. Open the DOMAIN_HOME\bin\setSOADomainEnv.cmd file.
  2. Uncomment the lines shown in bold.
  3. # 8331492: Value of weblogic.resourcepool.max_test_wait_secs is 10
  4. # seconds. It can be increased by uncommenting line below if your database
  5. # connections are slow. See SOA documentation for more details.
  7. -Dweblogic.resourcepool.max_test_wait_secs=30"

You can receive a connection timeout error under circumstances such as the following:
  • You run a SOA composite application with a large payload that takes more than 30 seconds to process.
  • You are invoking a stress test using a large payload from the Test Web Service page of Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control.
  • You are passing a large number of message files (one million) into a composite with a file adapter service.
  • You are retrieving instance and fault count metrics in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control.
To avoid receiving timeout errors, increase the transaction timeout property as follows:
  1. Log into Oracle WebLogic Administration Console.
  2. Click JTA.
  3. Change the value of Timeout Seconds (the default is 30).
  4. Click Save.  
          Restart Oracle WebLogic Server
SOA 11g Admin - Resolving Message Failure Caused by Too Many Open Files

You can receive the following error at runtime or compilation time, depending on the number of JAR files being used, the use of file descriptors by JDK 6/JRE, or both.
Message send failed: Too many open files
To resolve this error, increase the number of file descriptors to at least 4096.

Use the limit command (for the C shell) or the ulimit command (for the Bash shell) to identify the value for descriptors. A value of 1024 is typically too low, especially for JDK 6.

    • % limit

    •  cputime      unlimited
    •  filesize     unlimited
    •  datasize     unlimited
    •  stacksize    10240 kbytes
    •  coredumpsize unlimited
    •  memoryuse    unlimited
    •  vmemoryuse   unlimited
    •  descriptors  1024
    •  memorylocked 500000 kbytes
    •  maxproc      46720

    Log in as the root user on your operating system.

    Edit the /etc/security/limits.conf file to increase the value for descriptors.
      For this example, the limits.conf file appears as follows after increasing the limit for all users to 4096:

      #*               soft    core            0
      #*               hard    rss             10000
      #@student        hard    nproc           20
      #@faculty        soft    nproc           20
      #@faculty        hard    nproc           50
      #ftp             hard    nproc           0
      #@student        -       maxlogins       4

      # End of file
      @svrgroup    soft    memlock         500000
      @svrgroup    hard    memlock         500000
      *           soft    nofile          4096
      *           hard    nofile          4096

      Close your terminal and reopen for the change to take effect. A system restart is not required.

      1) Limitation on Using the Safari Browser to View WSDL File Content

      If you are using the Safari browser, note the following limitation and workaround for viewing WSDL file contents in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control. Note also that Mozilla Firefox works correctly and does not require this workaround.
      1. Go to the home page for a SOA composite application.
      2. Click the Show WSDL and endpoint URI link at the top of the page.
      3. Click the WSDL link that is displayed.
      This opens a blank page that does not display the contents of the selected WSDL.
      As a workaround, perform the following additional steps.
      1. In the upper right corner of this page, click the Display a menu for the current page icon.
      2. Select View Source from the menu that is displayed.
      This displays the contents of the selected WSDL in another page.

      2) Flow Diagram Does Not Display the First Time on Some Lower End Hosts

      The flow diagram for an instance ID of a deployed SOA composite application in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control may not display the first time on some lower end hosts. Instead, you receive afailed to load resource message.

      As a workaround, close the flow trace page and click the instance ID to return to the flow trace page.

      Scenario and Symptoms:

      The BPEL Engine Audit level is set to Development.

      The BPEL engine is load tested with some huge number of transactions causing to generate large number of instances in the dehydration store (SOAINFRA Schema)
      Below activities in EM console take time:
      1.       EM Login Page Load time
      2.       Time taken for logging in to the EM
      3.       Time taken to render homepage for SOAINFRA
      4.       Expanding the SOAINFRA and each partition within
      5.       Time taken to render home page for each deployed composite
      6.       Time taken to render details for each instance of any deployed composite

      Large number of instances in the dehydration store with audit level set to Development. When you login to EM console it tries to load the large amounts of instance and fault data from database leading to slowing up the EM console response time.
      Improving the Loading of Pages in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console
      You can improve the loading of pages that display large amounts of instance and fault data in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console by setting two properties in the Display Data Counts section of the SOA Infrastructure Common Properties page.
      These two properties enable you to perform the following:
      • Disable the fetching of instance and fault count data to improve loading times for the following pages:
        • Dashboard pages of the SOA Infrastructure, SOA composite applications, service engines, and service components
        • Delete with Options: Instances dialog
      • These settings disable the loading of all metrics information upon page load. For example, on the Dashboard page for the SOA Infrastructure, the values that typically appear in the Running and Total fields in the Recent Composite Instances section and the Instances column of the Deployed Composites section are replaced with links. When these values are large, it can take time to load this page and other pages with similar information.
      • Specify a default time period that is used as part of the search criteria for retrieving recent instances and faults for display on the following pages:
        • Dashboard pages and Instances pages of the SOA Infrastructure, SOA composite applications, service engines, and service components
        • Dashboard pages of services and references
        • Faults and Rejected Messages pages of the SOA Infrastructure, SOA composite applications, services, and references
        • Faults pages of service engines and service components

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